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Climb the Mountain

Speech & Debate Foundation


Climb the Mountain provides support for coaches, students, and judges to build a bigger and even better speech and debate community.

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Judging Public Forum Debate

Step 4: An Example Public Forum Debate Print Style Ballot

Note that:

1. Even though the teams are Pro and Con, some ballots still use Affirmative (pro) and Negative (con).

2. Judge circled the winning team.

3. Judge gave each debater speaker points (26 to 28) based on how well the judge thought each debater did in the debate.

Note: At the Seattle U Tournaments, you are expected to score on a 24.1 to 29.9 scale.

24.1 needs serious improvement (eg the debater spoke for 30 seconds; the debater supported opponent’s case; debater was rude, etc)

25.2 needs major improvement

26.3 fair debater, needs significant improvement

27.4 okay/decent debater, needs some improvement

28.5 good debater, needs small improvements

29.6 amazing debater, fantastic in almost every way

29.9 top debater you will judge this entire year

4. Judge gave comments and reason for decision (RFD).

At Seattle U—you give comments and reason for decision AFTER you email your ballot with who won and speaker points and AFTER you speak with the students giving them feedback.


Go to Step 5: Judge a Debate




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