Climb the Mountain

Speech & Debate Foundation


Climb the Mountain provides support for coaches, students, and judges to build a bigger and even better speech and debate community.

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Judging Public Forum Debate

Step 5: Judge a Short Public Forum Debate

Watch this video of a SHORT (15 MINUTES TOTAL) One on One Public Forum Debate



VLC Player Download (there are Windows, Mac, and Linux versions)

As you watch this debate, you will need to take notes, called flowing, to help you make a good decision. If you don’t know how to flow or you’ve never taken notes in a debate . . .  Click here for how to take notes in debate. (you’ll be able to return to this page)


Email Jim Hanson at with your “ballot.”

In your email ballot, include the following:

1. Your Rating of each Debater (the scale is 24.1 to 29.9 but REMEMBER--most scores are 27.1 to 28.4; scores below 25 would be considered very low, possibly mean).

2. Your decision: Pro or Con.

Then, in a second email, provide this:

1. Explain why you voted as you did (pro or con).
--State which arguments that the debaters presented that convinced you.
--State why you did not vote for the losing team’s best argument.

2. Give at least 1 Comment on what each debater did well and 1 comment on what each debater needs to improve on.

Jim or a climber will email you back within a day with comments on your ballot.


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Go to Part 3 Professional Judging Expectations






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