Tacoma February Tournament |
2016 Warm Room Page Congrats to all the
students and coaches and judges that participated. UPS and Cascadia for 1st
and 2nd, NPDA Bellevue for 1st
and 2nd, IPDA |
rooms will be announced in person at check-in Judge
– Coach Expectations PPoint Student
– Observer Expectations PPoint Parli Flow Template (for judges only;
computers not allowed in rounds for competitors except for those with a
request based on disabilities) Email
Jim Hanson (Tab) questions at hansonjb@gmail.com
or hansonjb.tab@gmail.com |
NPDA 7-8-8-8-4-5 with 1 min cx prep
after each speech except the MO PMC
at 6:50pm The United States
should make significant concessions in the DOHA talks. ======= PMC at 4:30pm The United States should require
Apple to unlock the San Bernardino killer’s iphone. ===== PMC at 3:00pm Obama should nominate Sri
Srinivasan for the US Supreme Court. |
IPDA 5aff-3cx-6neg-3cx-3aff-5neg-3aff
with 1 min prep before each speech. 1AC
at 6:50pm Windows
X is better than Mac OS X. Our
country is losing. We need to win. The
Death Penalty is immoral. The
Oscars are too white. The
US should enact a carbon tax. ======= 1AC at 4:30pm The United States should require
Apple to unlock the San Bernardino killer’s iPhone. The USFG should provide day care
for all children under the age of 13. An apple a day keeps the doctor
away. Clinton is a better candidate than
Sanders. Music should be revolutionary. ======= 1AC at 3:00pm Cruz is better
than Trump. The USFG should
increase regulations of drinking water. Civil
disobedience is justified. The US should
sign the TPP trade agreement. Beyonce
Formation is effective. |
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