2012 NW Parli Warm Room Page Congrats to everyone. Elim 3 topic: The USFG should expand VAWA to subject
non-Indian suspects of domestic violence to prosecution before tribal courts
for crimes allegedly committed on reservations. ELIM 3: FLIP FOR SIDES
(unless you hit each other in prelims) near L210. ie-finals.htm
BEGINS AT 2:05PM Elim 2 topic: Obama should issue an executive order for
increased cybersecurity. PMC begins at 1:45pm SIDES ARE SET; NO FLIPS IN
ELIM 2 (flips begin in elim 3) Elim 1 topic: The US congress should pass the Democrat’s
Conceptual Proposal for Immigration Reform. SIDES ARE SET; NO FLIPS IN
ELIM 1 ie-prelims.htm starts at 11:15am Rd 6 topic: The United States federal government should
substantially increase protections against cyberwarfare in the United States. Rd 5 topic: The USFG should expand VAWA to include GBLTQ
people. Rd 4 Topic The US congress should implement the 6th step of
Gingrich’s proposal for legal status for currently undocumented people in the
United States. Rd 3 Topic: The USFG should extend the existing VAWA. Rd 2 Topic: The US Federal government should pass and
implement the Lieberman cybersecurity bill. Rd 1 Topic: The US congress should implement the Dream Act. |
Flow Template (for judges only; computers not allowed in rounds for
competitors) Email Jim Hanson (Tab) questions at
hansonjb@whitman.edu |