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Climb the Mountain

Speech & Debate Foundation


Climb the Mountain provides support for coaches, students, and judges to build a bigger and even better speech and debate community.

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Judging IE Speeches

Step 2: What kinds of comments can I make to help the speakers?

·        Give ideas for their introductions:

“You need to shorten the introduction and get to your thesis sooner.”

“You need a more interesting beginning to your speech.”

·        Give ideas for the body of their speeches:

“You need more interesting stories, examples, and personal experiences to liven up the speech.”

“Your points need to more clearly support your thesis.”

“You need more documentation that this is a problem beyond one or two examples.”

In Expos/Informative Speaking: “Your visual aids look good but the font size is too tiny—it is hard to read—make it larger.”

·        Give ideas for their conclusion:

“Your conclusion was too abrupt-develop it more so we better understand your argument.”

·        In Extemp-Impromptu, give ideas for use of preparation time:

“You need to choose your topic sooner so that you have more time to present the speech.”

“You need more citations for your points—work on your extemp file on election polls.”

·        Give ideas for speaking more effectively.

“You should speak more clearly; it was hard to understand you.”

“You should speak less loudly.”

“You need more vocal variety. You tend to go into a set pattern with your voice; instead, work to convey the meaning of what you are saying with how you say it.”


Go to Step 3: How to Rate and Rank the Speakers








--users of this page, ignore these comments below-they are for jim

--see your comments page jim

Xx show example speech? And have them give feedback?





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