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Climb the Mountain

Speech & Debate Foundation


Climb the Mountain provides support for coaches, students, and judges to build a bigger and even better speech and debate community.

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Judging Policy Debate

Step 1: Policy-CX Debate Description

Let’s start by getting a basic understanding of Policy-CX debate.

What is Policy Debate?

Policy debate involves

--two teams of two people

--one team, the affirmative, supports a topic (the resolution) usually advocating a change in U.S. policy.

--the other team, the negative, rejects the affirmative case

What Topic are they debating?

HS Policy-CX: NFL HS CX Topic

CEDA-NDT Topic: CEDA-NDT Topics Wikipedia

What are the times for the debates?

·        8 (HS) or 9 (College) minute constructives

·        each followed by 3 minute cross-examination periods

·        5 (HS) or 6 (College) minute rebuttals

·        Between speeches, 5 to 10 minutes of preparation time (for the whole debate) for each team.

Judges usually give hand signals or out loud signals to indicate how much time remains during each speech. Usually, debaters also time themselves.

Make sure they don’t talk faster than you want . . .

Policy-CX debaters talk _very_ quickly. If you are a less experienced judge or you just want the debaters to speak at a slower rate—TELL THEM VERY CLEARLY AT THE BEGINNING OF THE DEBATE: “I’m a judge who wants you to speak at a conversational rate of speed—don’t talk fast; I won’t follow it.”

“I’m a judge with experience but I prefer that you speak no more than 75% of national circuit fast rate of speaking.”


Go to Step 2: Giving Feedback to the Debaters











Xx readers, ignore this—it is for jim

What arguments will they make?

Xx oh my stars . . .





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