CSU San Marcos HakopianHakopian  1-2 171.8 (tot) Seed: 10
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Gabriella Hakopian Gabriella Hakopian
Rd 1 A Owensboro RushTaylor Okwudili Onyekwelu - Texas Southern   L 28.3 28.3
Rd 2 N Texas Southern DaviesJarrett* Jack Bradley - Idaho St   L 28.5 28.5
Rd 3 A Texas Southern EkezieHair-Jones Brad Phelps - Owensboro   W 29.1 29.1
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.9 85.9
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.5 28.5
Z-Score 83.97 83.97
Idaho St BarkerHelm  2-1 165.3 (tot) Seed: 7
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Colter Barker Ashley Helm
Rd 1 A Texas Southern HallRobinson Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   W 29.9 29.9
Rd 2 N Owensboro DanielDaniel* Alexandria Barnaba - Texas Southern   L 24.7 24.7
Rd 3 N Texas Southern ConleyThompson Bob Glenn - Owensboro   W 28.1 28
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 82.7 82.6
Total Opp Record 6-3 H/L Pts 28.1 28
Z-Score 85.61 85.52
Idaho St TylerTyler  3-0 171.7 (tot) Seed: 2
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Alyson Tyler Joseph Tyler
Rd 1 N Texas Southern JohnsonSheppard Brad Phelps - Owensboro   W 29.6 29.4
Rd 2 A Texas Southern WallaceWilliams Bob Glenn - Owensboro   W 26.9 27.5
Rd 3 A Texas Southern RollinsWhite* Liam Donnelly - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 29.2 29.1
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.7 86
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 29.2 29.1
Z-Score 88.18 87.98
Semis N Texas Southern DaviesJarrett Bob Glenn,Johnathan Venable,Liam Donnelly - WWW
Finals N Texas Southern RollinsWhite Brad Phelps,Nicholas Thomas,Gloria Batiste-Roberts - LWW
Owensboro DanielDaniel  3-0 172.9 (tot) Seed: 1
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision David Daniel David Daniel
Rd 1 N Texas Southern EkezieHair-Jones Liam Donnelly - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 28.3 28.6
Rd 2 A Idaho St BarkerHelm Alexandria Barnaba - Texas Southern   W 28.1 28.1
Rd 3 N Texas Southern DaviesJarrett* Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   W 29.9 29.9
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 86.3 86.6
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.3 28.6
Z-Score 85.44 86.44
Semis A Texas Southern RollinsWhite Julie Badgley,Beau Woodward,Jack Bradley - LLL
Owensboro RushTaylor  2-1 165.1 (tot) Seed: 8
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Heaven Taylor Caleb Rush
Rd 1 N CSU San Marcos HakopianHakopian Okwudili Onyekwelu - Texas Southern   W 28.9 27.8
Rd 2 A Texas Southern RollinsWhite* Julie Badgley - UW Bothell   L 27.5 27.6
Rd 3 N San Jose St GoudGoud Gloria Batiste-Roberts - Texas Southern   W 25.2 28.1
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 81.6 83.5
Total Opp Record 3-6 H/L Pts 27.5 27.8
Z-Score 83.84 83.84
San Jose St GonzalezGonzalez  0-3 164.3 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Virjillio Gonzalez Virjillio Gonzalez
Rd 1 A Texas Southern DaviesJarrett* Julie Badgley - UW Bothell   L 25.8 25.8
Rd 2 N Texas Southern ConleyThompson Liam Donnelly - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 28.1 28.2
Rd 3 A Texas Southern HallRobinson Jack Bradley - Idaho St   L 28.2 28.2
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 82.1 82.2
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 28.1 28.2
Z-Score 79.3 79.64
San Jose St GoudGoud  0-3 162.8 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Cyril Goud Cyril Goud
Rd 1 N Texas Southern WallaceWilliams Beau Woodward - U Portland   L 28.2 28.1
Rd 2 A Texas Southern JohnsonSheppard Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   L 27.1 27.2
Rd 3 A Owensboro RushTaylor Gloria Batiste-Roberts - Texas Southern   L 26.1 26.1
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 81.4 81.4
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 27.1 27.2
Z-Score 80.84 80.5
Texas Southern ConleyThompson  2-1 162.8 (tot) Seed: 9
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Jervani Thompson Shamus Conley
Rd 1 N UW Bothell MuiangaSearle Johnathan Venable - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 27.2 27.4
Rd 2 A San Jose St GonzalezGonzalez Liam Donnelly - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 28.4 28.3
Rd 3 A Idaho St BarkerHelm Bob Glenn - Owensboro   L 26.2 25.3
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 81.8 81
Total Opp Record 3-6 H/L Pts 27.2 27.4
Z-Score 83.15 82.25
Texas Southern DaviesJarrett  2-1 175.5 (tot) Seed: 3
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Tarriana Jarrett Debra Davies
Rd 1 N San Jose St GonzalezGonzalez Julie Badgley - UW Bothell   W 28.1 28.5
Rd 2 A CSU San Marcos HakopianHakopian Jack Bradley - Idaho St   W 29.8 29.6
Rd 3 A Owensboro DanielDaniel* Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   L 29.7 29.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 87.6 87.9
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 29.7 29.6
Z-Score 87.1 87.22
Semis A Idaho St TylerTyler Bob Glenn,Johnathan Venable,Liam Donnelly - LLL
Texas Southern EkezieHair-Jones  0-3 166.1 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Deionna Hair-Jones Gloria Ekezie
Rd 1 A Owensboro DanielDaniel* Liam Donnelly - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 28.4 28.2
Rd 2 N U Portland SunderlandSunderland Johnathan Venable - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 26 27.2
Rd 3 N CSU San Marcos HakopianHakopian Brad Phelps - Owensboro   L 28.2 28.1
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 82.6 83.5
Total Opp Record 6-3 H/L Pts 28.2 28.1
Z-Score 80.04 81.08
Texas Southern HallRobinson  1-2 170.4 (tot) Seed: 11
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Ileyana Hall Devin Robinson
Rd 1 N Idaho St BarkerHelm Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   L 28.2 28.2
Rd 2 A UW Bothell MuiangaSearle Beau Woodward - U Portland   L 28.5 28.5
Rd 3 N San Jose St GonzalezGonzalez Jack Bradley - Idaho St   W 28.5 28.5
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.2 85.2
Total Opp Record 3-6 H/L Pts 28.5 28.5
Z-Score 83.02 83.02
Texas Southern JohnsonSheppard  2-1 167.2 (tot) Seed: 6
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Merritt Johnson Brittney Sheppard
Rd 1 A Idaho St TylerTyler* Brad Phelps - Owensboro   L 28.9 28.7
Rd 2 N San Jose St GoudGoud Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   W 27.3 27.4
Rd 3 A UW Bothell MuiangaSearle Johnathan Venable - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 27.5 27.4
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.7 83.5
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 27.5 27.4
Z-Score 83.08 82.57
Texas Southern RollinsWhite  2-1 171.4 (tot) Seed: 4
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Deja Rollins Brynn White
Rd 1 A U Portland SunderlandSunderland Yves Martin - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 27.4 27.8
Rd 2 N Owensboro RushTaylor Julie Badgley - UW Bothell   W 29.3 29.4
Rd 3 N Idaho St TylerTyler* Liam Donnelly - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 28.7 28.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.4 86
Total Opp Record 7-2 H/L Pts 28.7 28.8
Z-Score 86.43 87.64
Semis N Owensboro DanielDaniel Julie Badgley,Beau Woodward,Jack Bradley - WWW
Finals A Idaho St TylerTyler Brad Phelps,Nicholas Thomas,Gloria Batiste-Roberts - WLL
Texas Southern WallaceWilliams  1-2 165.6 (tot) Seed: 12
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Mikayla Wallace Alexander Williams
Rd 1 A San Jose St GoudGoud Beau Woodward - U Portland   W 28.8 28.9
Rd 2 N Idaho St TylerTyler* Bob Glenn - Owensboro   L 25.5 25.1
Rd 3 N U Portland SunderlandSunderland Julie Badgley - UW Bothell   L 28.5 28.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 82.8 82.8
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 28.5 28.8
Z-Score 84.64 84.97
U Portland SunderlandSunderland  2-1 167.2 (tot) Seed: 5
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Gavin Sunderland Gavin Sunderland
Rd 1 N Texas Southern RollinsWhite* Yves Martin - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 26.4 26.8
Rd 2 A Texas Southern EkezieHair-Jones Johnathan Venable - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 28.8 28
Rd 3 A Texas Southern WallaceWilliams Julie Badgley - UW Bothell   W 28.6 28.6
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.8 83.4
Total Opp Record 3-6 H/L Pts 28.6 28
Z-Score 85.72 85.2
UW Bothell MuiangaSearle  1-2 164.5 (tot) Seed: 13
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Quinn Searle Celeuca Muianga
Rd 1 A Texas Southern ConleyThompson Johnathan Venable - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 27.5 26.2
Rd 2 N Texas Southern HallRobinson Beau Woodward - U Portland   W 28.7 28.4
Rd 3 N Texas Southern JohnsonSheppard Johnathan Venable - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 26.9 26.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.1 81.4
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 27.5 26.8
Z-Score 84.67 81.13