BelmontAbbey BlakeTraylorIsabellaBarrett  3-0 173.1 (tot) Seed: 3
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision IsabellaBarrett BlakeTraylor
Rd 1 A CollegeMainland MatthewColemanMatthewColeman Scott Thomson - Ithaca   W 28 28.5
Rd 2 N Ithaca SkylerCepekSkylerCepek Adriana Amanti - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 29.9 29.9
Rd 3 N UofMontana SeanKunauZachCraig Andrew Christensen - Idaho State   W 28.3 28.5
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 86.2 86.9
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.3 28.5
Z-Score 86.19 86.95
CalPolyHumboldt CiciMcGeheeCiciMcGehee  2-1 171.1 (tot) Seed: 4
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision CiciMcGehee CiciMcGehee
Rd 1 N CSU San Marcos GabriellaHakopianGabriellaHakopian Emily Mikkelsen - BelmontAbbey   W 27.8 27.8
Rd 2 A SanJoseCC MikeGatesMikeGates Michael Starzynski - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 28.5 28.8
Rd 3 N OwensboroCTC DanielDavidDanielDavid Tucker Wilson - UofMontana   L 29.1 29.1
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.4 85.7
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.5 28.8
Z-Score 87.1 87.29
CollegeMainland MatthewColemanMatthewColeman  1-2 167.2 (tot) Seed: 11
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision MatthewColeman MatthewColeman
Rd 1 N BelmontAbbey BlakeTraylorIsabellaBarrett Scott Thomson - Ithaca   L 27 26.5
Rd 2 A Seattle U EdwardStrokEdwardStrok Julie Badgley - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 27.7 27.8
Rd 3 N Seattle U StacyWood-BurgessStacyWood-Burgess Adriana Amanti - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 29.1 29.1
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.8 83.4
Total Opp Record 6-3 H/L Pts 27.7 27.8
Z-Score 82.11 81.88
CollegeMainland MoriahAragonMoriahAragon  2-1 161.6 (tot) Seed: 8
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision MoriahAragon MoriahAragon
Rd 1 A UofMontana SeanKunauZachCraig Sarah Partlow-Lefevre - Idaho State   L 27 27
Rd 2 N SanJoseCC DominicGarciaDominicGarcia Tucker Wilson - UofMontana   W 26.9 26.9
Rd 3 A Ithaca CarlosThomsonCarlosThomson Emily Mikkelsen - BelmontAbbey   W 26.9 26.9
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 80.8 80.8
Total Opp Record 3-6 H/L Pts 26.9 26.9
Z-Score 80.21 80.21
CollegeMainland WilliamGomezWilliamGomez  0-3 158.1 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision WilliamGomez WilliamGomez
Rd 1 A Ithaca CarlosThomsonCarlosThomson Julie Badgley - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 27.6 27.8
Rd 2 N UofMontana SeanKunauZachCraig Scott Thomson - Ithaca   L 26 26
Rd 3 A CSU San Marcos GabriellaHakopianGabriellaHakopian Michael Starzynski - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 25.4 25.3
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 79 79.1
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 26 26
Z-Score 79.42 80.03
CSU San Marcos DannyBennettJessUgalde  2-1 163 (tot) Seed: 7
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision JessUgalde DannyBennett
Rd 1 A Ithaca SkylerCepekSkylerCepek Tucker Wilson - UofMontana   W 28.1 27.5
Rd 2 N Ithaca CarlosThomsonCarlosThomson Sarah Partlow-Lefevre - Idaho State   W 27.9 26
Rd 3 N Idaho State AlysonTylerJosephTyler Scott Thomson - Ithaca   L 27 26.5
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83 80
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 27.9 26.5
Z-Score 83.6 79.24
CSU San Marcos GabriellaHakopianGabriellaHakopian  1-2 164.4 (tot) Seed: 13
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision GabriellaHakopian GabriellaHakopian
Rd 1 A CalPolyHumboldt CiciMcGeheeCiciMcGehee Emily Mikkelsen - BelmontAbbey   L 27.5 27.5
Rd 2 N OwensboroCTC DanielDavidDanielDavid Andrew Christensen - Idaho State   L 28.2 27.5
Rd 3 N CollegeMainland WilliamGomezWilliamGomez Michael Starzynski - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 27 26.7
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 82.7 81.7
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 27.5 27.5
Z-Score 84.49 83.57
Idaho State AlysonTylerJosephTyler  3-0 175 (tot) Seed: 1
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision AlysonTyler JosephTyler
Rd 1 A SanJoseCC DominicGarciaDominicGarcia Michael Starzynski - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 29.5 29.2
Rd 2 N Seattle U StacyWood-BurgessStacyWood-Burgess Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   W 29.2 29.1
Rd 3 A CSU San Marcos DannyBennettJessUgalde Scott Thomson - Ithaca   W 29 29
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 87.7 87.3
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 29.2 29.1
Z-Score 87.91 87.61
Ithaca CarlosThomsonCarlosThomson  1-2 166.1 (tot) Seed: 12
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision CarlosThomson CarlosThomson
Rd 1 N CollegeMainland WilliamGomezWilliamGomez Julie Badgley - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 28.4 28.6
Rd 2 A CSU San Marcos DannyBennettJessUgalde Sarah Partlow-Lefevre - Idaho State   L 27.7 27.8
Rd 3 N CollegeMainland MoriahAragonMoriahAragon Emily Mikkelsen - BelmontAbbey   L 26.8 26.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 82.9 83.2
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 27.7 27.8
Z-Score 83.35 84.19
Ithaca SkylerCepekSkylerCepek  1-2 168.3 (tot) Seed: 10
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision SkylerCepek SkylerCepek
Rd 1 N CSU San Marcos DannyBennettJessUgalde Tucker Wilson - UofMontana   L 27.8 27.8
Rd 2 A BelmontAbbey BlakeTraylorIsabellaBarrett Adriana Amanti - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 28.1 28.1
Rd 3 A SanJoseCC DominicGarciaDominicGarcia Sarah Partlow-Lefevre - Idaho State   W 28 28.5
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.9 84.4
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 28 28.1
Z-Score 82.61 83.44
OwensboroCTC DanielDavidDanielDavid  3-0 173.9 (tot) Seed: 2
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision DanielDavid DanielDavid
Rd 1 N Seattle U EdwardStrokEdwardStrok Adriana Amanti - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 29.4 29.4
Rd 2 A CSU San Marcos GabriellaHakopianGabriellaHakopian Andrew Christensen - Idaho State   W 28.1 28.6
Rd 3 A CalPolyHumboldt CiciMcGeheeCiciMcGehee Tucker Wilson - UofMontana   W 29.2 29.2
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 86.7 87.2
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 29.2 29.2
Z-Score 85.84 86.36
SanJoseCC DominicGarciaDominicGarcia  0-3 157.2 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision DominicGarcia DominicGarcia
Rd 1 N Idaho State AlysonTylerJosephTyler Michael Starzynski - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 25.1 25.2
Rd 2 A CollegeMainland MoriahAragonMoriahAragon Tucker Wilson - UofMontana   L 26.2 26.2
Rd 3 N Ithaca SkylerCepekSkylerCepek Sarah Partlow-Lefevre - Idaho State   L 27.5 27
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 78.8 78.4
Total Opp Record 6-3 H/L Pts 26.2 26.2
Z-Score 80.25 79.48
SanJoseCC MikeGatesMikeGates  0-3 153.6 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision MikeGates MikeGates
Rd 1 A Seattle U StacyWood-BurgessStacyWood-Burgess Andrew Christensen - Idaho State   L 25.6 25.1
Rd 2 N CalPolyHumboldt CiciMcGeheeCiciMcGehee Michael Starzynski - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 24.6 24.7
Rd 3 A Seattle U EdwardStrokEdwardStrok Brad Phelps - OwensboroCTC   L 26.8 26.8
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 77 76.6
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 25.6 25.1
Z-Score 78.54 78.09
Seattle U EdwardStrokEdwardStrok  1-2 169.7 (tot) Seed: 9
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision EdwardStrok EdwardStrok
Rd 1 A OwensboroCTC DanielDavidDanielDavid Adriana Amanti - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 27.8 27.8
Rd 2 N CollegeMainland MatthewColemanMatthewColeman Julie Badgley - Z-TOURN JUDGE   L 28.2 28.1
Rd 3 N SanJoseCC MikeGatesMikeGates Brad Phelps - OwensboroCTC   W 28.9 28.9
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 84.9 84.8
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.2 28.1
Z-Score 83.09 82.75
Seattle U StacyWood-BurgessStacyWood-Burgess  2-1 168.9 (tot) Seed: 5
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision StacyWood-Burgess StacyWood-Burgess
Rd 1 N SanJoseCC MikeGatesMikeGates Andrew Christensen - Idaho State   W 28.4 28.5
Rd 2 A Idaho State AlysonTylerJosephTyler Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   L 27.3 27.3
Rd 3 A CollegeMainland MatthewColemanMatthewColeman Adriana Amanti - Z-TOURN JUDGE   W 28.7 28.7
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 84.4 84.5
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.4 28.5
Z-Score 82.56 82.66
UofMontana SeanKunauZachCraig  2-1 166.3 (tot) Seed: 6
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision ZachCraig SeanKunau
Rd 1 N CollegeMainland MoriahAragonMoriahAragon Sarah Partlow-Lefevre - Idaho State   W 28 28.5
Rd 2 A CollegeMainland WilliamGomezWilliamGomez Scott Thomson - Ithaca   W 27 27
Rd 3 A BelmontAbbey BlakeTraylorIsabellaBarrett Andrew Christensen - Idaho State   L 28.1 27.7
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.1 83.2
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 28 27.7
Z-Score 83.88 84.3