Round 1 Topics
Biden’s $1400 checks should be capped lower than previous relief checks.
States should be given full latitude to regulate Church service covid practices.
The United States should increase the use of wind power.
Zoom is the best online platform for instruction.
Money changes everything.
Round 2 Topics
The US federal government should provide a $100 billion bail out for the US postal service.
Joe Biden’s foreign policy is likely to increase conflict.
Donald Trump should be banned from holding office but not impeached.
The US federal government should tax sugar.
Parents should not allow children to play video games.
Round 3 Topics
Elementary and Secondary Schools should reopen.
Bipartisanship > Action
Taxes should be raised on the wealthy now.
The Simpsons > South Park
Joe Biden needs to act more aggressively on climate change than his plans call for.
Final Round Topics
The United States should take military action against the military in Myanmar/Burma.
The $15 minimum wage does not need to violate budget reconciliation rules.
The Justice Department should take action immediately to arrest the Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, QAnon, and other right wing group members.
The Zoom world is better for the environment than the commuting in-person world.
Progressives should continue to use the phrase “Defund the Police.”