Ball St ElizabethElizabeth  1-2 173.5 (tot) Seed: 5
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Elizabeth Elizabeth
Rd 1 N UC San Diego GraceOscar Rachel Carlson - Mainland Blue   L 29.4 29.4
Rd 2 A UC San Diego CourtneyJoshanne* April Kidd - Cleveland St   L 28.9 28.9
Rd 3 A Westmont HansHans Andy Christensen - Idaho St   W 28.5 28.4
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 86.8 86.7
Total Opp Record 4-5 H/L Pts 28.9 28.9
Z-Score 82.77 82.64
Ball St EvaEva  0-3 170.6 (tot)
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Eva Eva
Rd 1 A U Idaho DanielMariah* Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   L 27 27
Rd 2 N Idaho St AbbeyJoseph* Ned Silver - UC San Diego   L 28.9 28.9
Rd 3 N UC San Diego CourtneyJoshanne* Rachel Carlson - Mainland Blue   L 29.4 29.4
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 85.3 85.3
Total Opp Record 7-2 H/L Pts 28.9 28.9
Z-Score 82.09 82.09
Idaho St AbbeyJoseph  2-1 174.7 (tot) Seed: 3
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Joseph Abbey
Rd 1 N UC San Diego ArunavBella* April Kidd - Cleveland St   L 29.6 29.8
Rd 2 A Ball St EvaEva Ned Silver - UC San Diego   W 29.9 27.9
Rd 3 N UC San Diego GraceOscar Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   W 28.5 29
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 88 86.7
Total Opp Record 3-6 H/L Pts 29.6 29
Z-Score 87.77 85.73
Semis N UC San Diego CourtneyJoshanne Robert Hockema,Yanti Sanusi,Stella Chang - LLL
U Idaho DanielMariah  3-0 167.4 (tot) Seed: 1
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Daniel Mariah
Rd 1 N Ball St EvaEva Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   W 27.1 27.3
Rd 2 A UC San Diego GraceOscar Stella Chang - Westmont   W 28 28.5
Rd 3 N UC San Diego ArunavBella* Laurie Rowland - Cleveland St   W 28.1 28.4
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 83.2 84.2
Total Opp Record 3-6 H/L Pts 28 28.4
Z-Score 84.13 85.95
Semis A UC San Diego ArunavBella Tony Johnson,Andy Christensen,Nick Sitzman - WWW
Finals N UC San Diego CourtneyJoshanne Parker Davidson,Nicholas Thomas,Robert Hockema - WWL
UC San Diego ArunavBella  2-1 171.5 (tot) Seed: 4
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Bella Arunav
Rd 1 A Idaho St AbbeyJoseph* April Kidd - Cleveland St   W 29.1 29.9
Rd 2 N Westmont HansHans Tony Johnson - Mainland Blue   W 28.5 28.6
Rd 3 A U Idaho DanielMariah* Laurie Rowland - Cleveland St   L 26.9 28.5
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 84.5 87
Total Opp Record 6-3 H/L Pts 28.5 28.6
Z-Score 79.72 85.82
Semis N U Idaho DanielMariah Tony Johnson,Andy Christensen,Nick Sitzman - LLL
UC San Diego CourtneyJoshanne  2-1 176.5 (tot) Seed: 2
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Joshanne Courtney
Rd 1 A Westmont HansHans Diane Carter - U Idaho   L 29.3 28.7
Rd 2 N Ball St ElizabethElizabeth April Kidd - Cleveland St   W 29.4 29.3
Rd 3 A Ball St EvaEva Rachel Carlson - Mainland Blue   W 29.9 29.9
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 88.6 87.9
Total Opp Record 2-7 H/L Pts 29.4 29.3
Z-Score 85.89 83.03
Semis A Idaho St AbbeyJoseph Robert Hockema,Yanti Sanusi,Stella Chang - WWW
Finals A U Idaho DanielMariah Parker Davidson,Nicholas Thomas,Robert Hockema - LLW
UC San Diego GraceOscar  1-2 166.2 (tot) Seed: 7
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Oscar Grace
Rd 1 A Ball St ElizabethElizabeth Rachel Carlson - Mainland Blue   W 29.2 28.9
Rd 2 N U Idaho DanielMariah* Stella Chang - Westmont   L 27.8 26
Rd 3 A Idaho St AbbeyJoseph* Nicholas Thomas - CSU San Marcos   L 27.2 27.1
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 84.2 82
Total Opp Record 6-3 H/L Pts 27.8 27.1
Z-Score 82.55 77.81
Westmont HansHans  1-2 172 (tot) Seed: 6
Rd Side Opponent Judge Decision Hans Hans
Rd 1 N UC San Diego CourtneyJoshanne* Diane Carter - U Idaho   W 29.4 29.4
Rd 2 A UC San Diego ArunavBella* Tony Johnson - Mainland Blue   L 28.3 28.4
Rd 3 N Ball St ElizabethElizabeth Andy Christensen - Idaho St   L 28.3 28.2
(* teams advanced to elims) Tot Pts 86 86
Total Opp Record 5-4 H/L Pts 28.3 28.4
Z-Score 83.46 83.7