Round 1

Donald Trump's tariffs will cause a full scale trade war.

West Virginia teachers will be successful in their strike objectives.

The US should ban handguns.

The US should ban animal testing.

National security is more important than civil liberties.


Round 2

Boxing should be banned.

The USFG should require a civics education course in all secondary schools.

Walking Dead should finish the show at the end of Season 8.

The US government should fund a space mission with humans to Mars.

Star Trek Reboot is better than Star Trek the Original Series.


Round 3

The US should increase the use of solar power.

Public sector unions should be able to require its workers to pay union dues.

The US should implement a wealth tax instead of the death tax.

The UFC should implement the Asian rules against weight cutting.

Human cloning should be banned.




The US should reduce the budget deficit even if it would somewhat harm the economy.

The US should significantly increase H-1B Visas.

Black Panther is the future path for films.

US schools should require safety training including the use of guns for self-defense in case of gun fire.

Social service programs are more important than national security programs.




The USFG should implement a full employment policy.

Uber should be subject to the same regulations as taxis.

Disco better than Punk.

Spain should recognize Catalonia as independent from Spain.

The Alaska Way plans at the waterfront include too many lanes of traffic.