Bellevue Blue Murakami |
2-1 |
27.5 (H/L) |
Seed: 3 |
Rd |
Side |
Opponent |
Judge |
Decision |
Masomi Murakami |
Rd 1 |
N |
Bellevue Yellow Wentworth |
Denise Vaughan - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
27.7 |
Rd 2 |
A |
UW Bothell Purple Altamimi* |
Jim Hanson - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
27.3 |
Rd 3 |
A |
Bellevue Yellow Giloil |
Jim Hanson - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
B |
(* teams advanced to elims) |
Tot Pts |
82.5 |
Total Opp Record 3-6 |
H/L Pts |
27.5 |
Z-Score |
83.18 |
Elims |
Nov Finals |
N |
UW Bothell Purple Acia |
Denise Vaughan,JUDGE TBA,JUDGE TBA - |
Blue Nagato |
2-1 |
27 (H/L) |
Seed: 5 |
Rd |
Side |
Opponent |
Judge |
Decision |
Shunta Nagato |
Rd 1 |
A |
UW Bothell Purple Acia* |
Tom Hyatt - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
27 |
Rd 2 |
N |
Bellevue Yellow Giloil |
Denise Vaughan - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
B |
Rd 3 |
N |
Bellevue Yellow Wentworth |
Tom Hyatt - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
27 |
(* teams advanced to elims) |
Tot Pts |
81 |
Total Opp Record 2-7 |
H/L Pts |
27 |
Z-Score |
79.94 |
Yellow Giloil |
0-3 |
24.1 (H/L) |
Rd |
Side |
Opponent |
Judge |
Decision |
Patrick Giloil |
Rd 1 |
N |
UW Bothell Gold Eash |
Jim Hanson - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
26.9 |
Rd 2 |
A |
Bellevue Blue Nagato |
Denise Vaughan - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
24.1 |
Rd 3 |
N |
Bellevue Blue Murakami* |
Jim Hanson - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
24 |
(* teams advanced to elims) |
Tot Pts |
75 |
Total Opp Record 5-4 |
H/L Pts |
24.1 |
Z-Score |
78.01 |
Yellow Wentworth |
0-3 |
28.4 (H/L) |
Rd |
Side |
Opponent |
Judge |
Decision |
Savannah Wentworth |
Rd 1 |
A |
Bellevue Blue Murakami* |
Denise Vaughan - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
28.4 |
Rd 2 |
N |
UW Bothell Gold Blanchard* |
Tom Hyatt - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
29 |
Rd 3 |
A |
Bellevue Blue Nagato |
Tom Hyatt - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
28 |
(* teams advanced to elims) |
Tot Pts |
85.4 |
Total Opp Record 6-3 |
H/L Pts |
28.4 |
Z-Score |
84.83 |
Bothell Gold Blanchard |
2-1 |
28 (H/L) |
Seed: 2 |
Rd |
Side |
Opponent |
Judge |
Decision |
Nate Blanchard |
Rd 1 |
N |
UW Bothell Purple Altamimi* |
Tony Penders - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
28 |
Rd 2 |
A |
Bellevue Yellow Wentworth |
Tom Hyatt - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
29 |
Rd 3 |
A |
UW Bothell Purple Acia* |
Tony Penders - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
28 |
(* teams advanced to elims) |
Tot Pts |
85 |
Total Opp Record 5-4 |
H/L Pts |
28 |
Z-Score |
86.04 |
Elims |
Finals |
A |
UW Bothell Purple Altamimi |
Bothell Gold Eash |
1-2 |
28.2 (H/L) |
Seed: 6 |
Rd |
Side |
Opponent |
Judge |
Decision |
Josh Eash |
Rd 1 |
A |
Bellevue Yellow Giloil |
Jim Hanson - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
28.2 |
Rd 2 |
N |
UW Bothell Purple Acia* |
Tony Penders - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
27 |
Rd 3 |
N |
UW Bothell Purple Altamimi* |
Denise Vaughan - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
28.5 |
(* teams advanced to elims) |
Tot Pts |
83.7 |
Total Opp Record 5-4 |
H/L Pts |
28.2 |
Z-Score |
81.84 |
Bothell Purple Acia |
2-1 |
27.4 (H/L) |
Seed: 4 |
Rd |
Side |
Opponent |
Judge |
Decision |
Rayanna Acia |
Rd 1 |
N |
Bellevue Blue Nagato |
Tom Hyatt - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
27 |
Rd 2 |
A |
UW Bothell Gold Eash |
Tony Penders - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
27.7 |
Rd 3 |
N |
UW Bothell Gold Blanchard* |
Tony Penders - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
L |
27.4 |
(* teams advanced to elims) |
Tot Pts |
82.1 |
Total Opp Record 5-4 |
H/L Pts |
27.4 |
Z-Score |
80.56 |
Elims |
Nov Finals |
A |
Bellevue Blue Murakami |
Denise Vaughan,JUDGE TBA,JUDGE TBA - |
Bothell Purple Altamimi |
3-0 |
28.6 (H/L) |
Seed: 1 |
Rd |
Side |
Opponent |
Judge |
Decision |
Hussain Altamimi |
Rd 1 |
A |
UW Bothell Gold Blanchard* |
Tony Penders - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
28 |
Rd 2 |
N |
Bellevue Blue Murakami* |
Jim Hanson - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
28.6 |
Rd 3 |
A |
UW Bothell Gold Eash |
Denise Vaughan - Z-TOURN JUDGE |
W |
29 |
(* teams advanced to elims) |
Tot Pts |
85.6 |
Total Opp Record 5-4 |
H/L Pts |
28.6 |
Z-Score |
85.61 |
Elims |
Finals |
N |
UW Bothell Gold Blanchard |