Round 1


Handguns should be banned


Police qualified immunity should be limited


Democrats should disaffiliate candidates opposed to abortion access


Android OS is better than IPhone OS


The USFG should implement a carbon tax


Round 2


Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump


Environment is more important than Economic growth


The U.S. should ban boxing


The USFG should tax carbohydrates


Women are the most effective resistance to Trump


Round 3


The US should take military action against Chinese actions in the South China Seas


The USFG should double Title I funding for schools


The USFG should provide funding for a massive increase in bus transportation in cities.


Originals of songs are almost always better than remakes


Drug testing is an unwarranted invasion of privacy





Joe Biden will win the 2020 election by a landslide.


Computer Programming should be a required high school course.


Lip-syncing for live performances should be prohibited.


Bidencare” is a better policy than Medicare for All.


Trump Israel-Arab State agreements are significant progress towards Middle East peace.




Biden Climate Change plan > Green New Deal.


NASA should prioritize building a moon colony over further Mars exploration


NCAA football should establish a 16 team runoff for the national championship.


The US should implement a financial transactions tax.


The US should increase rehabilitation and reduce punishment in its criminal justice system.